Everything kids and teens will wish to enjoy on Emerald Princess can be found on the list below. From engaging activities to entertaining young cruisers, it promises a wonderful time for cruising children of any age, regardless of their interests. Know what they say about the great adventures awaiting everyone aboard!
This enchanting, forest-themed world will, indeed, ignite the fires for play and exploration in the heart of a child. Dancing, pajama movies, animal mask- and puppet-making, and building Lego boats as part of Animal Planet's puppet contest are some activities offered to children ages 3 to 7.
Fun indoor games, dancing, and kid-sized Olympiads are all this cozy space is about. It's also a good place to keep their minds busy with California Science Center programs, such as rocket building or learning how to build a model roller coaster. Events such as talent shows, theme nights, and treasure hunts promote new friendships and family unity.
This is the ultimate hangout for teenagers to relax and enjoy movie screenings all evening long into the wee hours of the morning. Plus, there's dancing, video game competitions, and dodgeball and basketball tournaments. The story does not stop there, as there's also a red carpet gala for the teens with mocktails and awards.
Princess makes it easy to go sailing together. The staterooms accommodating up to four guests for as little as a third to a half less from normal fares would fit all kinds of vacationers. Two Bedroom Family Suites feature balconies, as well as two bathrooms, and can hold up to eight guests, to supplement connecting staterooms.